Sunday 2 November 2014

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC)

Hey guys, here is my college's graduates capabilities and for now I would like to show you guys where was I at this particular moment.


The teaching and learning approach at Taylor’s College is focused on developing the Taylor’s
Graduate Capabilities (TGC) in its students; capabilities that encompass the knowledge, cognitive
capabilities and soft skills of our graduates. The TGC gives students the edge to start and stay
ahead. The TGC ensure that Taylor’s graduates are capable in the following areas:

 Has a sound understanding of foundational concepts and theories in subject area.

 Foundations and skills for lifelong learning - Learns autonomously; is able to acquire and
manage information, comprehends a wide variety of literature and has an awareness of
contemporary global issues.
 Problem-solving skills - Defines issues or problems well; analyses problems comprehensively;
applies knowledge effectively and applies theory to practice; is able to think critically and
arrive at workable and effective solutions.

 Communication skills – Speaks and writes well; is able to organize, synthesize and present
information effectively
 Interpersonal skills - Understands team dynamics, the power of teams and teamwork; Works
with others in a team; is able to assume leadership in small and/or big groups
 Intrapersonal skills - Manages time effectively; Understands the role of personal image and
professionalism at work; Works independently in context of tasks to be completed
 Cosmopolitan thinking and intercultural competence – Forms opinions and articulates views
from a global perspective; Has an awareness of and sensitivity to cross-cultural differences;
 Technology savvy – Competent in executive keyboarding; effectively uses ICT and related technologies.

Based on the lists above and their specific descriptions, I would like to conclude my capabilities based on the aspects written above.

1.I have a deep understanding about my subject area this is because I always pay attention in the class when my lecturers are teaching. Besides, if I still cannot understand what the lecturers are teaching about, I will find some alternatives to make sure that I can get the concept clear, for example, I will go online and search for the information I want to know. Furthermore, I am not that kind of student that "only study for exam", I will also search for the topics which is beyond the syllabus so that I can learn something more and apply it in the exams, as well as in my daily life.

2. I am able to study autonomously as what I mentioned above. I do not just study for what will be coming out in the exams, I also learn, something new from the internet and other resources such as encyclopedias and newspaper, with these, I can ensure that I am not lost in this globalizing world .

3. To me , problem solving skills is not just about how to do well in the exams, it also related to how we apply what we have learned in the school in our daily life. In term of academic, I am able to solve the problems by using the concepts and theories that I learnt. In daily life, I am also able to solve my problems effectively from what I have learned.(but in some cases I do need the assistance from my friends, teachers and my family.)

4. I do have a good communication skills as I can speak and write in a fluent way, but I would like to admit that I am not so talented in languages and also, I am not a native speaker,thus , in some extent, I might face some problems in conveying my thought to others by using English. I am sure that with perseverance and resilient, I can master the global language, English as well as the native speakers.

5. I am very good in interpersonal skills, this can be proven when i work as a team with others. I can cooperate with my teammates well whether I am a leader or just a team member. I can produce my own opinions as well as accept other's opinions.

6. Good intrapersonal skills mean somebody can manage himself well without further assistance from others. For instance, time management. Time management is an upmost quality that should be learned by everyone, I myself think that I can manage my time well as I will allocate my time evenly between academic and sports. In term of the understanding about the role of personal image , I can manage my personal image well and prevent stereotypes from others. another intrapersonal skill that I am proud of myself is self-discipline. I am very independent in any aspects, this is because i do not want something bad to happen and there is no use to cry over the spilt milk!

7. I am proud that I have a cosmopolitan thinking. I will think that I live for the world rather than just for myself. I am aware of all the events over the world. About the intercultural competence, I have an awareness and sensitivity towards the cross-cultural differences.

8. About of technology savvy, I am proud to say that I can still strive in this globalizing world, I am not left behind the sophisticated technologies , but I can live with them harmonically.

This is all about my TGC,will be posting about my personality test next time!

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